There Are Opportunities Everywhere You Look

IN THIS HOUSE... we shun the idea of oversaturation.

I hope everyone is doing well and surviving the holiday rush! I’m down to a couple of last-minute cutting boards with a “family discount,” aka free. 

Before I sign off for the rest of the year, I want to discuss finding and creating opportunities to sell your laser-made products. I’m a member of many laser Facebook Groups and message boards, and a topic that comes up a lot is the idea of laser engraving being oversaturated.

“Everyone and their mom has a Glowforge and is selling ornaments for $5. There’s no way I can start a business now!”

This mind state is the kiss of death.

The laser space may seem oversaturated, but that’s mainly because we’re all congregating in the same online groups, discussing the same topics and making the same products – from all over the world. No wonder everything seems small!

The fear of oversaturation is just that… a fear. A personal fear of failure (something you control) that’s projected onto “the market” (something you can’t control). If the laser space is oversaturated, then there are no more opportunities, and you might as well not try at all.

This newsletter topic was timely because I just had a great example placed in my lap (literally).

With Christmas coming up, my wife decided to buy a brother-in-law one of those subscription gift boxes with an array of cool products made by small makers nationwide.

In my infinite curiosity of what’s inside, I opened it to find this.

At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what “it” was, but I know it was made with a laser. Turns out it’s a tool made for stripping herbs. Before asking my wife about it, I had no idea this kind of product existed. Still, this maker was already designing, packing, and selling them to a prominent online gift player like Bespoke Post. On top of that, each one of those little tags directs the gift recipient to the maker’s website and social media accounts. Sales AND brand building based on one somewhat off-beat product!

My point is this.

There are product opportunities all around us, everywhere. Keep your eyes open and dig deeper into places the “oversaturaters” (yes, I just made that word up) refuse to look because its easier to complain.

Anyways, back to the cutting boards for me. I hope everyone has a great rest of 2023, and we will hit the ground running in 2024!


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